Friday, June 6, 2008

nothing to say yet...

Wow, I can’t believe I’m leaving in less than a week for Africa. As much reading and thinking and talking as I’ve done, I definitely don’t feel ready, or even am really convinced that it will happen. Is there any way to really prepare or know what to expect? I guess I can know and expect God to do great things, and make Himself more known to me. And I can expect that He has good works for me to walk in.

I’m starting to get nervous about the heat and the culture and the travel and the food. Hmmm. But then, my mom says I’ve always gotten cold feet before doing anything. I was afraid to go bowling for the first time! I used to hate hamburgers and think ketchup was too spicy! Maybe there’s hope for me.

Man, I totally don’t know how to blog. ( : It will be way better when I have some interesting anecdotes to record. Stay tuned....


Jon & Andrea said...

hey Traveler for Jesus...I have no doubts about your ability to blog. And if you have any strange food experiences (spicy ketchup, and the like) then it will just make a great blog post! I'm expecting great things from God on this trip, for your GOOD and His GLORY! I love you!

wendyfern said...

Hi Lisa,
We are waiting for pictures from our report country of Ghana! So fun to here from you!
Wendy Fernandes